Homeschooling Kindergarten

As I mentioned in my last post, my desire is to share resources that have been helpful to me in my homeschooling journey. Many of the descriptions are taken directly from Amazon. I didn’t use every resource with every child, but these were especially helpful as I started homeschooling.


For Mom:

The Unhurried Homeschooler

The Unhurried Homeschooler: A Simple, Mercifully Short Book on Homeschooling

Homeschooling is a wonderful, worthwhile pursuit, but many homeschool parents struggle with feelings of burnout and frustration. If you have ever felt this way, you’re not alone! Most of us need to be reminded of the “why” of homeschooling from time to time—but “The Unhurried Homeschooler” takes parents a step further and lifts the unnecessary burdens that many parents place on themselves. Drawing on twenty years of homeschooling her eight children, Durenda Wilson gently reminds parents about the things that really matter, as she offers a clear portrait of what a life-giving home life can be during the homeschooling years. Reading “The Unhurried Homeschooler” is like having coffee with a trusted friend. You’ll be encouraged as you learn to do what God has put before you. This book will lighten your load while helping you learn how to raise life long learners and ENJOY the homeschool years with your kids.

Show Them Jesus: Teaching the Gospel to Kids


“Millions of church kids are growing up and deciding to leave the church. They listened attentively in Sunday school, made friends, and seemed committed. But one day, they quit. What happened? The Bible says we love God because he first loved us. So if we are not primarily teaching our kids about God’s love for us in Christ, we may miss our opportunity to capture their hearts. But what does it look like to teach a gospel-centered lesson?”

This book invites parents and Sunday School teachers to do nothing less than teach and treasure the good news of Jesus in every lesson. The methods explained in this book really did make me feel equipped to use every Bible opportunity as a chance to point my kids to Jesus.

Gentle and Lowly

Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers

Christians know what Jesus Christ has done—but who is he? What is his deepest heart for his people, weary and faltering on their journey toward heaven? Jesus said he is “gentle and lowly in heart.” This book reflects on these words, opening up a neglected yet central truth about who he is for sinners and sufferers today.

For school:


The Gospel Story Bible

“Can a Bedtime Story Actually Change Your Life? It is easy to forget Jesus in the midst of frantic schedules, family squabbles, and conflicting priorities. But the truth is that he is the hero of every story, including these ordinary ones. This is why Marty Machowski puts God’s plan of salvation in Christ on continuous display in The Gospel Story Bible.  (And includes child-friendly questions for discussion.) “Ideal as a storybook for your preschooler, a devotional for your grade school student, a refresher for the adult believer, or an introduction for the new one, The Gospel Story Bible is also a companion to Long Story Short: Ten-Minute Devotions to Draw Your Family to God.” 

Language Arts:

Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons

Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons   -     By: Siegfried Engelmann, Phyllis Haddox, Elaine Bruner

Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons is a complete, sensible, easy-to-follow, step-by-step program that shows simply and clearly how to teach children to read. In 100 lessons, color-coded for clarity and ease of delivery, you can give your child the basic and more advanced skills needed to be a good reader—at about a second-grade level.

Twenty minutes a day is all your child needs to become an independent reader in 100 lessons. It’s an enjoyable way to help your child gain the vital skills of reading. Everything you need is here for you and your child to learn together. Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons will bring you and your child a sense of accomplishment and confidence while giving your child the reading skills needed now for a better chance at tomorrow.

I have used this resource with all three of my children and was happy to discover free flashcards to go along with the book. You don’t need a big and expensive reading program to teach your child to read. My three children have very different personalities, so there have been a variety of challenges (including plenty of review and backtracking/splitting lessons, etc) in this endeavor. I have needed to ask God for more patience and creativity in how to keep my other children busy and train them not to interrupt the 20-30 minute lesson with the child learning to read, but it has been so worth it. So much of their own self-led educational pursuits have happened as soon as they’ve learned how to read.

Learning Without Tears (Handwriting Without Tears) (You don’t need to purchase the Teacher’s Guide.)

  • Large, step-by-step models for finger tracing
  • Words and sentences model good spacing
  • Double lines make it easy to place letters and control letter size
  • Learn & Check helps students check their letter, word, and sentence skills

You can purchase a little chalkboard to demonstrate each letter and have your child practice tracing the letter with the damp corner of a paper towel and then trace it themselves with chalk.

My Father’s World booklists and read-alouds (In back of teacher’s manual)

My+Father%27s+World+from+A+to+Z+by+Marie+Hazell%2C+M.A.+%28+Ring%2FWire+Bound%2C+2013%29  for sale online | eBay

This curriculum is full of great themes and ideas but was too overwhelming to implement everything once I had more than one child in school.

Once my second child started kindergarten, I stuck to getting library books from the booklists in the back of the teacher’s manual and using the resources I’ve listed above (and not purchasing the Student Sheets).

But if you don’t want to purchase a whole teacher’s manual for your homeschooling, I would suggest using the booklists from “Honey For a Child’s Heart.” Here’s a link to the pdf of it.


We stuck to playing board games together (like this one) and having the kids sometimes help in the kitchen (counting and measuring).

Animal Upon Animal stacking game, shown in box

History and Science:

The My Father’s World read-aloud booklists included some history and science-related books we enjoyed together.

Again, if you don’t want to purchase a whole curriculum, you can pick out interesting books from the library yourself or consult a resource like Ambleside Online. Here’s what they have to say about science:

And here is the master booklist that would include history and science books you can find at the library.


More Christ-centered worship



I slowly added items to our activity cupboard so the kids could choose something when they had some free time. Things like puzzles, gems and beans to count with, magnetic letters on a whiteboard, Water Wow books, preschool lacing/sewing cards, magnetic animals and scenes on cookie sheets, play-doh, modeling clay, and beads. I also tried to keep copy paper, construction paper, crayons, colored pencils, watercolor pencils, markers, scissors, and tape in a handy place.

Never Bored Kids books

This exciting, full-color workbook will engage kids in hours of productive fun!

While being engaged in fun activities, your children will be practicing important age-appropriate skills such as visual discrimination, sequencing, small muscle coordination, following directions, and critical and creative thinking.

The activities in The Never-Bored Kid Book, Ages 4 and 5 are organized around 16 age-appropriate themes

My middle child has loved these the most. They have activity books for ages 4-9.

Mighty Mind Magnet Puzzles

  • TEACHES KIDS STEP BY STEP HOW TO SOLVE and BUILD PUZZLES from very simple to amazingly complex.
  • DEVELOPS ESSENTIAL LOGICAL THINKING SKILLS, dexterity, eye-hand coordination, patience, and creative problem solving.


Khan Academy Kids

This is an excellent free app that includes reading and math activities.

What’s in the Bible? show

What is the Bible? How is it put together? Learn alongside Buck Denver, Sunday School Lady, Brother Louie and the crew that the Bible tells the story of God and what he’s done for us.

Homeschooling Babies and Toddlers

I wanted to share the resources that have been helpful to me in my homeschooling journey so far. Many of the descriptions are taken directly from Amazon. I didn’t use all these resources with each child, especially as I began to homeschool multiple children and had to determine what I could feasibly include during each schoolyear. May the Lord bless your journey as you trust Him to lead you to the resources that would be best for your family. (And if you don’t have children this age at the moment, why not consider some of these for a baby shower gift?)

Babies and Toddlers

For Mom:

Loving the Little Years

22 Christ-Centered Resources for Life and Family

“This is a small collection of thoughts on mothering young children for when you are motivated, for when you are discouraged, for the times when discipline seems fruitless, and for when you are just plain old tired.”

Each chapter is only two pages long, but provided much fodder for discussion in our moms prayer group.

Fit to Burst


“Fit to Burst is chock-full of humorous examples and fresh advice covering issues familiar to every mom such as guilt cycles, temptations to be ungrateful or bitter, and learning how to honor Jesus by giving in the mundane things. But this book also addresses less familiar topics, including the impact that moms have on the relationships between dads and kids, the importance of knowing when to laugh at kid-sized sin, and more.”

Mom Enough (Free!)

22 Christ-Centered Resources for Life and Family

“This short book with twenty-four short contributions from seven young mothers, explores the daily trials and worries of motherhood. In the trenches, they have learned how to treasure God and depend on his grace.”

Am I “Mom Enough?”

Absolutely not.

I read an article each day one month, and it provided so much encouragement as well as the feeling that I’m not alone in the journey.

David Suchet Audio Bible

David Suchet has recorded the entire Bible in his rich voice, and it is all available in playlists on YouTube. For example, just search “David Suchet Ecclesiastes” and you’ll find the playlist you’re looking for. This has been an excellent resource as I do my stretches in the morning and has been helpful to re-listen to books of the Bible multiple times in a row to get a better understanding of the themes and principles.

Risen Motherhood Podcast

“This is the podcast for moms who need the refreshing truth of the gospel repeated over and over, giving us hope in the everyday moments. We are imperfect mothers, still learning, still growing and still fully recognizing we don’t have it all together – but we serve a God who does.”

It’s been encouraging to listen to these two moms discuss all kinds of topics on motherhood through the lens of the gospel.

For school:

Baby’s Hug-A-Bible

Baby's Hug-a-Bible  -     By: Sally Lloyd-Jones
    Illustrated By: Claudine Gevry

It’s a Bible you can hug! In this soft and cuddly book, little ones will find a collection of ten favorite Bible stories in rhyme, filled with comforting truths told through scripture. Keep God’s word close to your baby’s heart in this perfect package.

Sally Lloyd-Jones introduces the very young to the stories of the Bible and to God’s great love for them.


22 Christ-Centered Resources for Life and Family

Rain For Roots

So many Bible story songs focus on the “heroes” of the Bible. These upbeat, folksy cds focus on God as the true Hero.

When Isaiah was a newborn, I found myself listening to these even when he was asleep.

The first cd uses the words to the Baby’s Hug-a-Bible as the lyrics.

Hidden In My Heart Scripture Lullabies 

22 Christ-Centered Resources for Life and Family

Using Scripture as the lyrics, these lullaby cds have brought such calmness to my soul in times of stress.

I listened to them quite a bit in the last 2 weeks before Isaiah was born.

There are also some gorgeous instrumental songs mixed in.

Lullabies Without Words



Praise Baby DVDs


If you’ve seen Baby Einstein, these DVDs are similar, except they have worship songs in the background and engaging video footage and pictures of everything a toddler loves—babies, animals, cars, food, friendly faces, etc.

You can even select only children’s voices singing the worship songs or an instrumental version

Bible Resources for Busy Moms

Between caring for and schooling my children, planning for our days together, caring for my home, and participating in church fellowship, there isn’t much time left to choose what I want to read and listen to. Here are resources and devotionals over the past 8 years of motherhood that have been especially encouraging to me. I hope they are to you as well as you fulfill God’s call for your life.


David Suchet Audio Bible

David Suchet has recorded the entire Bible in his rich voice, and it is all available in playlists on YouTube. For example, just search “David Suchet Ecclesiastes” and you’ll find the playlist you’re looking for. This has been an excellent resource as I do my stretches in the morning and has been helpful to re-listen to books of the Bible multiple times in a row to get a better understanding of the themes and principles.

The Bible Project videos

Their goal: To help people experience the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus.

I can’t recommend these short videos enough. There are videos giving the historical background, themes, and outline of each book of the Bible along with illustrations, and also videos about themes throughout Scripture. Just watch one. You’ll be hooked.

Devotionals and Prayer Guides:

New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional by Paul Tripp

“Forget “behavior modification” or feel-good aphorisms. Tripp knows that what we really need is an encounter with the living God. Then we’ll be prepared to trust in God’s goodness, rely on his grace, and live for his glory each and every day.”

This has been another way to celebrate God in my thoughts as I start the day.

The Valley of Vision–free

This is a collection of puritan prayers and devotions. Don’t let the cover turn you off. It is filled with scripturally and theologically rich prayers to worship and enjoy God. It’s often been a great starting place to help me worship God and then talk to Him about what’s on my mind and heart. 

“This book has been prepared not to ‘supply’ prayers but to prompt and encourage the Christian as he treads the path on which others have gone before.”

You can read the prayers for free here, but I’m grateful for my hardcopy to highlight and meditate on. 

Every Moment Holy

“EVERY MOMENT HOLY is a book of liturgies for the ordinary events of daily life–liturgies such as “A Liturgy for Feasting with Friends” or “A Liturgy for Laundering” or “A Liturgy for the First Hearthfire of the Season.” These are ways of reminding us that our lives are shot through with sacred purpose even when, especially when, we are too busy or too caught up in our busyness to notice.”

This is such a beautiful guide for learning how to see every part of our lives as a way to meet the Lord. (And McKelvey’s words are so well-chosen and biblical.)

Audio Resources:

Delighting in the Trinity by Michael Reeves


“Why is God love? Because God is a Trinity.
Why can we be saved? Because God is a Trinity.
How are we able to live the Christian life? Through the Trinity.
In this lively book, we find an introduction to Christianity and the Christian life that is from start to finish rooted in our triune God―Father, Son and Spirit. Not only do we understand the person and work of Christ through the Trinity, but also prayer, the church and every aspect of our faith.”

Just imagine if we could begin each day (or wake up each night) remembering and delighting in our loving Father, salvation-giving Jesus, and empowering Spirit?

If you don’t have time to read the book, check out these audio talks and short videos related to the same topic.

Audio Resources by Michael Reeves about Delighting in the Trinity

Short Videos by Michael Reeves about Delighting in the Trinity

A powerful sermon by Michael Reeves on the resurrection of Christ

Women’s Conference Audio talks:

I’ve especially appreciated listening to these sessions and breakout sessions as it’s been harder for me to get away for an actual women’s conference.

The Women of Hope Conference is one I’ve been appreciating, coming right out of a church in Maryland.

The Gospel Coalition


This network of churches “encourages and educates believers advocating gospel-centered principles and practices that glorify the Savior and do good to those for whom he shed his life’s blood.”

I have been especially blessed listening to the audio sermons and workshops from the women’s conferences they organize each year.


He Is (Names of God)

This 10 minute video brought tears to my eyes as the names of God through the entire Bible are proclaimed.

Full of Eyes (youtube channel)

These are Written

Everlasting Arms

True Food

Chris Powers’ hope is to “fill this channel with videos that exalt Jesus Christ as the Joy, King, and Savior of the world. He is the One in whom we see and know God, and so I want all eyes fixed on Him. I’d love it if the Lord would use these videos to point you to Christ, and to empower you to point others to Him as well.”

These are beautifully illustrated animations that have helped me to remember my lostness without Christ, and many aspects of the gospel. 

Elementary age resources

Here are a few resources geared toward children ages 5-12. Some we have enjoyed as a family already, and others I look forward to using even more as the kids get older. These might be some great Christmas gift ideas for the young ones in your life. Or you could forward this list to their parents and let them choose. (hint hint 🙂 )

NIRV Bible

“The bestselling NIrV Study Bible for Kids starts early readers ages 6 to 10 on the rewarding path of reading and studying God’s Word. This Bible uses the complete text of the New International Reader’s Version® (NIrV) which is written at a third-grade reading level and is perfect for those learning to read. With colorful artwork, easy-to-read Bible text, and fun features, kids will engage with the Bible in a way that makes it stick.”

I love this version! It’s helped me stay focused as I read in mom-fog sometimes, and is great to share stories straight from Scripture with my kids.

New City Catechism

“The New City Catechism is a modern-day resource aimed at helping children and adults alike learn the core doctrines of the Christian faith via 52 questions and answers.”

There is a print version of the questions available on their website, and also a free app with the questions and answers and even a few songs that go along with the questions. Each answer also has a shortened version highlighted for young children to memorize. Reading through it with my 4 year old has sparked some interesting conversations as we’ve tried to memorize it together.

 Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing


“101 simple-yet- profound thoughts on faith. Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing shares profound spiritual truths from the Bible told in a conversational tone—drawing insights from creation, history, science, the writings of great thinkers and preachers and writers, and more—to turn the reader’s eyes toward the God who loves them with a Never Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love.”

The Biggest Story: How the Snake Crusher Brings Us Back to the Garden


“The Bible is full of exciting stories that fill children with awe and wonder. But kids need to know how all those classic stories connect to Scripture’s overarching message about God’s glorious plan to redeem his rebellious people.

In The Biggest Story, Kevin DeYoung—a best-selling author and father of six—leads kids and parents alike on an exciting journey through the Bible, connecting the dots from the garden of Eden to Christ’s death on the cross to the new heaven and new earth.” Ages 5-8 (read to me) Ages 8-11 (read to myself)

The Gospel Story Bible

“Can a Bedtime Story Actually Change Your Life? It is easy to forget Jesus in the midst of frantic schedules, family squabbles, and conflicting priorities. But the truth is that he is the hero of every story, including these ordinary ones. This is why Marty Machowski puts God’s plan of salvation in Christ on continuous display in The Gospel Story Bible.  (And includes child-friendly questions for discussion.) “Ideal as a storybook for your preschooler, a devotional for your grade school student, a refresher for the adult believer, or an introduction for the new one, The Gospel Story Bible is also a companion to Long Story Short: Ten-Minute Devotions to Draw Your Family to God.” 

The Ology

“Many parents struggle to teach their children systematic theology, or even lead family devotions. The Ology will help you do both. Marty has made another significant contribution to biblically faithful, gospel-centered, creatively designed, accessible materials that help parents raise their kids not merely to know about God, but to have a relationship with him through Jesus Christ.”
Bob Kauflin, Director of Sovereign Grace Music

“Few tasks are of greater importance than the discipling of children. Christian parents and Sunday school teachers, committed to biblical fidelity, cannot neglect the tremendous task of teaching children the great truths of Scripture. Marty Machowski’s The Ology: Ancient Truths Ever New is a wonderful new book that will equip parents for the task of discipleship and also help children immerse themselves in the Christian worldview.”
R. Albert Mohler, Jr., President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Prayercast (free)

Not sure how to pray for the needs of the world? This is an incredible resource of 4-5 minute videos (from hundreds of places around the world), leading you in how to pray for them.

Spotify Playlists

Christ-centered worship

More Christ-centered worship


For teaching kids Scripture and theology

Scripture Lullabies

Fear Not: A Playlist by Scripture Lullabies

And if you’re not done scrolling, you can check out my full resource page here.

Preschool and Kindergarten Resources

I wanted to send along some of our favorite books and music that I enjoyed with my son in his preschool years and now am enjoying with my daughters. If you don’t have a preschooler, maybe you know someone who would be blessed if you sent an Amazon package their way. . .

Jesus Storybook Bible (Ages 4 and up)

22 Christ-Centered Resources for Life and Family

Who is the true knight in shining armor in the stories in the Bible? Jesus!

Subtitled, “Every Story Whispers His Name,” the Bible stories show Jesus at the center of God’s redemption story and their story, too.

Plus, the pictures are beautiful, and there is even a Sunday School curriculum available.

Egermeier’s Bible Story Book (age 4 and up)

“Stories from the Old and New Testaments are told in chronological order, helping readers journey through a complete narrative of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Egermeier’s® Bible Story Book includes: 312 biblically accurate stories from the Old and New Testaments written in an engaging, easy-to-understand style with 122 vibrant, full-color illustrations.”

This is a great transition between using Bible storybooks geared towards preschool children and reading the stories straight from Scripture. 

Spotify Playlists

For teaching kids Scripture and theology

Scripture Lullabies

Fear Not: A Playlist by Scripture Lullabies

Lullabies Without Words

Instrumental Peace

Individual albums

22 Christ-Centered Resources for Life and Family

Rain For Roots

So many Bible story songs focus on the “heroes” of the Bible. These upbeat, folksy cds focus on God as the true Hero.

When Isaiah was a newborn, I found myself listening to these even when he was asleep.

The first cd uses the words to the Baby’s Hug-a-Bible as the lyrics.

Sovereign Grace Kids


Christopher and I used these gospel-centered songs with our Sunday School kids.

Some of the songs have kids’ voices, and they are fun listening and easy singing.

Hidden In My Heart Scripture Lullabies 

22 Christ-Centered Resources for Life and Family

Using Scripture as the lyrics, these lullaby cds have brought such calmness to my soul in times of stress.

I listened to them quite a bit in the last 2 weeks before Isaiah was born.

There are also some gorgeous instrumental songs mixed in.

Be Held: Lullabies For the Beloved

Beautiful arrangements, and there is also an instrumental version of this CD.

Sing: Creation Songs

I love all of Ellie Holcomb’s albums, but this one geared towards kids has been greatly enjoyed by all of us.

Songs for Saplings (Free)


“Our mission is to equip the Church worldwide with rich, Biblical music to help children learn their faith through song.” I can’t get these little songs out of my head, and am so excited for my children to grow up hearing (and memorizing) these Bible verses set to music. She also has a series of albums teaching the Catechism for Young People through song.