Full of Eyes Youtube Videos

You can certainly check out the channel, but here are some of my favorites:

These are Written

Everlasting Arms

True Food

Chris Powers’ hope is to “fill this channel with videos that exalt Jesus Christ as the Joy, King, and Savior of the world. He is the One in whom we see and know God, and so I want all eyes fixed on Him. I’d love it if the Lord would use these videos to point you to Christ, and to empower you to point others to Him as well.”

These are beautifully illustrated animations that have helped me to remember my lostness without Christ, and many aspects of the gospel. 

P.S. And I couldn’t help but share this video again.

He Is (Names of God)

This 10 minute video brought tears to my eyes as the names of God through the entire Bible are proclaimed.

Spotify Playlists

For those of you on Spotify, I’ll link to some of my favorite playlists. 

Christ-centered worship

More Christ-centered worship


Songs for Hard Seasons

Songs based on the Psalms

For teaching kids Scripture and theology

Scripture Lullabies

Fear Not: A Playlist by Scripture Lullabies

Lullabies Without Words

Instrumental Peace

Beautiful Soundtracks

I’ll send out some Christmas and Easter ones when it gets closer to those celebrations, but you can always access them, along with links to other Christ-centered resources on my Resource page.

Who could you send one of these playlists to, or a link to a Christ-centered Youtube video?

P.S. Forgive me if you’ve received this post already in your inbox, but I wanted to send it again because my website was down for a couple days. Thanks for understanding.

Episode 108: 2 Kings 6-7 God Rescues the Starving Israelites and Brings Food

In this episode, Finn and I see how God provided miraculously for the Israelites but that one man didn’t believe it could happen. We have the special task of telling others who don’t believe about God’s miraculous provision through Christ.

With your kids: Pray together for someone you know who doesn’t believe God is really the answer to their biggest problem. Pray that you would have a chance to share the gospel with them.

Episode 107: 2 Kings 6 Elisha is Protected by an Angel Army

In this episode, Finn and I talk about what it means to see with spiritual eyes and all the spiritual blessings we have because of Jesus.

With your kids: Share something that’s made you feel sad lately. Talk about how you could use your spiritual eyes to see it and pray together.

Episode 106: 2 Kings 5 God Heals Naaman

In this episode, Finn and I tell the story of God healing an enemy army commander and how God calls us to trust and obey Him whether a task looks easy or hard.

With your kids: Does it seem harder to trust God when bad things are happening or obey His commands? Thank Him for being in charge of the universe and your own life, and ask Him to help you cooperate with the Spirit today.

Finn’s Favorite Stories: Pilgrim’s Progress Part 2

Using our transporter, Finn and I visit the Valley of the Shadow of Death and see Christian journeying through the darkness using the light of God’s Word.

With your kids: What is one of your favorite verses to quote when you feel afraid? Help your children each pick a verse to memorize for their own dark times.

Finn’s Favorite Stories: Pilgrim’s Progress Part 1

In this bonus episode, Finn and I tell one of his favorite stories from Pilgrim’s Progress, a spiritual allegory that was written in 1678 and has sold over 200 million copies since then. If you’d like to introduce your children to the whole story, I’d heartily recommend Pilgrim’s Progress Adapted for Children or Dangerous Journey: The Story of Pilgrim’s Progress.

With your kids: What is a lie Apollyon might say to you if you were journeying with Christian in the Valley of Humiliation? What truth could you shout back at him?

Episode 105: 2 Kings 4 God Restores Life to a Woman’s Son

In this episode, Finn and I talk about God’s power in raising a boy from the dead, and how through Jesus’ sacrifice, our dead hearts can be raised to life again. 

With your kids: Take turns thanking God for the different ways He is providing for your needs, and then thank Him for giving you a new heart! 

Episode 104: 2 Kings 3-4 God Rescues Joram’s Army

In this episode, Finn and I talk about God’s miracles for King Joram, King Jehoshaphat, and a needy widow and how God used Elisha to help them know that He is the true Conquering Redeemer. 

With your kids: Tell your kids the story of how you came to know Christ.

Peek at the Bonus Episodes

As we celebrate Resurrection Sunday in our homes, I wanted to make Finn’s bonus episode about Jesus’ death and resurrection available to everyone this Easter. He is Risen!

You can find the rest of the bonus episodes on https://www.patreon.com/aliciayoder

And. . . for the full story of Jesus’ death and resurrection, you can check out Episode 64 and 65 on the podcast.