Where do natural disasters and pandemics like the coronavirus come from? Our pastor preached from Psalm 106, explaining that natural disasters are a result of the curse/judgment of God because of Adam’s sin (and the sin of all of humanity). The very ground is cursed because of Adam’s sin (Gen. 3:17), and we are constantly working to harness creation. This creation is groaning because it’s not living it’s original curse-free purpose. We are reminded of our frailty, and of the greater judgment to come. We have sinned like our fathers before us and deserve to live under this curse. But in His great love, God sent Jesus to become a curse for us, to bear the wrath that keeps us from ultimate judgment and will welcome us into an eternal life on a curse-free new Earth (for all who confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and receive His forgiveness for their sins through His death on the cross). This is the outward-focused loving God everyone needs as the whole world groans today. (Romans 10:9)