I recently had the chance to read with my five-year-old son the first book in a series being released in April, and because we enjoyed it so much, I wanted to tell you about it.

The series is called The Bible’s Big Ideas, and here’s a bit from the GospelGrown website:
The central message, or The Story, of the Bible is the Gospel, the Good News about Jesus Christ. However, the Bible is a Story made up of many stories, sub-plots to the Gospel Story, each with their own setting, characters, and plot. These stories highlight, develop, and illumine the various themes of the main plot, the Gospel Story. Therefore, knowing the parts well will deepen our understanding of the whole.
The first book in the series is called The Promise of Life: A Big Story about God’s Law:
God’s Law promised life for all who would obey. But instead of giving life, God’s Law brought death, imprisoning the whole world under its curse and revealing their slavery to Sin. But there’s more . . . God’s Law also pointed to a better way, the only way, to life with God. From the pages of this book, help children see their own slavery to Sin and point them to the One who can rescue from Sin and give the free gift of life to all who would trust Him.
You can also check out a short video about it here and find out more on their Facebook page.