Episode 47: Luke 6 Jesus Teaches About His Kingdom

In this episode, I share from Luke when Jesus faced the Pharisees and taught His disciples–and now us about how to trust Him with our hearts and love others with His transformative love.

Discussion with your kids: Ask the Holy Spirit to bear His fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in your heart this week. And thank God for the help He does bring!


One thought on “Episode 47: Luke 6 Jesus Teaches About His Kingdom

  1. Dear Alicia,

    Excellent job.

    It’s so weird that this is where I’m reading in my quiet time! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I like how you translated hypocrite as “pretender.” I think that does capture a lot of it…

    Your example about the violin was excellent too– helps make the concepts more concrete.

    Having some emotionally tough decisions today (maybe some day I’ll tell you?) and this simple true message really ministered to me. What a great reminder of the Father’s strong supporting arms.

    Great job, from the perspective of a big kid ๐Ÿ™‚

    God bless you!

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