Welcome, Friends.

sparrowsIn studying the craft of storytelling this past year, I was challenged to brainstorm what I’m passionate about. After some soul-searching, I realized what makes me want to jump up and down with my arms stretched wide. It’s encouraging people in their journey with Jesus.

For many years I struggled with physical pain, enhanced greatly by personal stress and thought patterns not rooted in God’s truth. By His grace, the Father used family, friends, counselors, books, and His Word to replace many of those worry-patterns with freedom in Him.

I consider it an incredible privilege to help us remember some of those truths as part of this weekly blog. All through the Old Testament, God wanted His people to remember Him. They were told to set up stones, read His commands to their children, and talk about Him with each other. When Jesus came to earth, He continued the message. One time, He called the crowd over and told them to consider God’s care for the birds and flowers (see Luke 12:22-32). He said that if God showed such tender attention to His creation, why should they waste time worrying?

I want to invite you to join me in remembering Him together as we let His truth influence the way we live each and every messy, grace-filled day.

What has God used in your life to bring reminders of His truth to you? I’d consider it an honor to join in the conversation with you through the comments section of the blog.