Full of Thee

You can certainly check out the channel, but here are some of my favorites:
Chris Powers’ hope is to “fill this channel with videos that exalt Jesus Christ as the Joy, King, and Savior of the world. He is the One in whom we see and know God, and so I want all eyes fixed on Him. I’d love it if the Lord would use these videos to point you to Christ, and to empower you to point others to Him as well.”
These are beautifully illustrated animations that have helped me to remember my lostness without Christ, and many aspects of the gospel.
P.S. And I couldn’t help but share this video again.
This 10 minute video brought tears to my eyes as the names of God through the entire Bible are proclaimed.
For those of you on Spotify, I’ll link to some of my favorite playlists.
For teaching kids Scripture and theology
Fear Not: A Playlist by Scripture Lullabies
I’ll send out some Christmas and Easter ones when it gets closer to those celebrations, but you can always access them, along with links to other Christ-centered resources on my Resource page.
Who could you send one of these playlists to, or a link to a Christ-centered Youtube video?
P.S. Forgive me if you’ve received this post already in your inbox, but I wanted to send it again because my website was down for a couple days. Thanks for understanding.
You can check out the full book of devotional Puritan prayers here.
In this episode, Finn and I see how God provided miraculously for the Israelites but that one man didn’t believe it could happen. We have the special task of telling others who don’t believe about God’s miraculous provision through Christ.
With your kids: Pray together for someone you know who doesn’t believe God is really the answer to their biggest problem. Pray that you would have a chance to share the gospel with them.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
In this episode, Finn and I talk about what it means to see with spiritual eyes and all the spiritual blessings we have because of Jesus.
With your kids: Share something that’s made you feel sad lately. Talk about how you could use your spiritual eyes to see it and pray together.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
“If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:26-27)
I’ve often forgotten about my fellow soldiers when engaging in my battle with anxiety. I forget that Christ is OUR commander (Col. 1:18), and that I have a common bond with my brothers and sisters in Christ as we seek to live in obedience and enjoy His presence with us. We have the same hope (Eph. 4:4).
An image the apostles Paul and Peter both use is being a stone in God’s temple, built on the foundation of Christ. (Eph. 2:19-22). But we aren’t inanimate stones. We are LIVING stones who are also priests or intercessors– for our children, unbelievers, and our siblings in Christ (1 Pet. 2:5)
And if those images weren’t intimate enough, Paul also calls believers a body (Col 1:18, 2:19, 3:15, Eph. 4:15-16, 1 Cor. 12). When my daughter dropped the broom on my toe, the pain made my whole body cry out. If my toe weren’t connected to my body, only my toe would feel the pain. But my toe also wouldn’t be any use. Here’s what the Lord has shown me through meditating on these passages:
-It’s my responsibility to ask my husband and friends to pray with me out loud and/or share verses that point me back to who God is when I am feeling anxious. (And if they’re not with you, you can tell them how to swipe up on the microphone icon on WhatsApp so they don’t have to constantly hold down the button to record a prayer for you.)
-Participate in Sunday morning worship and commit to a weekly Bible study or small group. Ask the members of your group to help keep you accountable by asking how your anxiety has been. Volunteer the information if they don’t ask. Choose one person to check in with weekly.
-Pray and ask God for help in the presence of your children or others you live with.
Which of these Scriptures will you jot down to memorize? What is one way you’re going to invite others into your battle?
Next week, I’ll share how asking for help enables you to focus on others and minister to their needs.
In this episode, Finn and I tell the story of God healing an enemy army commander and how God calls us to trust and obey Him whether a task looks easy or hard.
With your kids: Does it seem harder to trust God when bad things are happening or obey His commands? Thank Him for being in charge of the universe and your own life, and ask Him to help you cooperate with the Spirit today.
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
There are times I wake up during the night feeling anxious, sometimes even being jolted awake by a nightmare. You can check out my previous posts for the foundation the Lord has been building up in my heart as I’ve been able to form more patterns of remembering His sovereign care, infinite wisdom, and unconditional love, but today I’ll share some ideas for the nighttime (or some daytime patterns that influence my sleep at night).
Which one of these things are you going to try this week?
Next week, I’ll share about inviting others to help you engage in this battle.